叶轮流量观察器 外螺纹加长水流可视视镜
更新:2020-03-23 08:36 编号:5474363 发布IP: 浏览:134次- 发布企业
- 无锡喜登博五金设备有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:无锡喜登博五金设备有限公司组织机构代码:91320214552467207F
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 品牌
- 无锡喜登博
- 参数
- 来电咨询
- 联系方式
- 13771172592
- 关键词
- 叶轮视镜 外螺纹水流可视视镜
- 所在地
- 无锡市新区金城东路299号五洲国际工业博览城12栋106号
- 联系电话
- 86 0510 82357783
- 手机
- 18800571710
- 销售
- 高文静 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
Wuxi Xidengbo is a professional production anddevelopment, mirror, water flow indicator, oil flow indicator, vanemirror, human hole, sealing head, stainless steel fluid pipeequipment, non-standard customized enterprises. Is a collection ofscientific and technological development, production, sales in one.After years of continuous efforts from all over the company, theenterprise thrives, the technical force is strong and the modernCAD auxiliary design, has established the more advanced enterprisemanagement system and the perfect quality assurance
For us, high quality means that our products and servicesmust meet the needs of domestic and foreign customers at everystage. Therefore, we adopted a comprehensive quality managementsystem, strict control of each production service procedures,strive to be perfect. With the continuous improvement of allaspects of quality, we have gained further trust from ourcustomers.
To continuously improve the technological content ofproducts to meet the market demand. Custom processing productsplease attach a detailed description of the plane drawings or inthe long-term production practice process, absorbing domestic andforeign advanced manufacturing process, sample drawings. Welcomefriends from all walks of life to visit, guide and negotiatebusiness. Welcome to telephone and fax consultation!
Why did you choose to go to Heidelberg
1.Quality system-IOS system
2.Movement of Goods-More than 10 countries worldwide
3.ndustry experience-over 10 years
4.Raw materials inventory-over 100 tons
5.Management system -- internal software
专注行业领域20年,公司拥有多条先进的生产流水线,并通过各项质量体系认证 为客户提供优质服务,请广大海内外客户放心订购!
Focus on industry 20 years, the company has a number of advancedproduction lines, and through the quality system certification forcustomers to provide quality services, please customers at home andabroad assured orders!
Our company specializes in the production and marketing of allkinds of water pipes, liquid pipe goggles and non-standardcustomization, specifications complete, facing the world
欢迎来电咨询 打造长期合作
Welcome to call for long-term cooperation
Contact telephone: 1377 1172592
Copy the site to the browser and learn more!
[Vessel industry]:http://m.tb.cn/h.BqRPfM
成立日期 | 2010年03月16日 | ||
法定代表人 | 项公聪 | ||
主营产品 | 流量指示器 ; 弯头管件 ; 封头 ; 人孔 ; 视镜 ; 阀门 ; 过滤器 ; 管子 ; 非标定做 ; 卡箍 | ||
经营范围 | 五金交电、水泵及阀门、金属材料、标准件、法兰、封头、普通机械及设备、锅炉配件的销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 无锡喜登博是专业生产研制、视镜、水流指示器、油流指示器、叶轮式视镜、人孔、封头、不锈钢流体管件设备、家装卡压管道及卫生级管件、非标定制的企业。是集科技开发、生产、销售于一体。多年来经过公司上下不断努力,企业蓬勃发展,技术力量雄厚与现代的CAD辅助设计,建立了较先进的企业管理系统和完善的质量保证体系,优质的售后服务。WuxiXidengboisaprofessionalproductionandde ... |
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